General Succulent Care

Light- Full indoor sun. Preferrably a south facing window. Newly planted succulents can scorch in direct sunlight and will need to be gradually acclimated to full sun.

Water- Allow soil to dry completely between waterings. Overwatering is the # 1 killer of succulents. Be sure to empty the water that gathers in the saucer to avoid ‘wet feet’.

Humidity- Succulents thrive in dry environments, so they can tolerate typical household humidities.

Fertilize with succulent fertilizer in summer months.

Toxic? Each type is different. Research specific plant name. There are lots of succulents that are safe for kids and pets!

General Cactus Care

Light- Indoor cacti need a lot of light. Some cacti species can tolerate direct sunlight, while others like bright, indirect light. A south-facing window is preferable.

Water with the “Soak and Dry” method. Allow soil to dry out completely and then soak the soil thoroughly. Cut back watering in the winter.

Humidity- Cacti prefer dry a environment.

Fertilize 2-3 per year Spring-Fall with cactus fertilizer.

Toxic? Each type is different. Research specific cactus name.

Tillandsia~ Air Plants

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water- Soak your air plant in room temperature filtered or rainwater every 10-14 days for 1-3 hours. The drier the environment, the longer and more often you will want to soak. After soaking, gently shake off the excess water and dry the air plant upside down on a towel, in a bright, well-ventilated area. This will prevent root-rot, the #1 killer of air plants. Air plant should be dry within 3 hours.

Humidity- Air plants can tolerate typical household humidity, but prefer more humid environments.

Fertilizer- Spray a few times a year with air plant or bromeliad fertilizer.

Toxic? Nope! Air plants are a great addition to homes with pets and little ones.



| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |

African Violet~ Saintpaulia

Light- Bright, indirect light. African Violets love additional fluorescent light and it encourages blooms!

Water when soil is dry to the touch. Water beneath the leaves and avoid getting any of them wet. African Violets like lukewarm water. Alternatively, you can ‘bottom water’ your plant by filling the saucer and allowing the roots to absorb the water from the bottom.

Humidity- Thrives in high levels of humidity. Consider placing your plant near a humidifier.

Fertilize every 2 weeks with African Violet or general houseplant fertilizer at half the recommended rate on the package.

Toxic? Nope! Safe for humans and pets.

Aglaonema~ Chinese Evergreen

Light- Low-bright, indirect light, depending on the variety. Avoid direct sunlight. It can burn the leaves!

Water- Allow top 2 inches of soil to dry between watering. Water less frequently in the winter.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities, but can benefit from a humidifier in drier seasons or a daily misting.

Fertilizer monthly during Spring and Summer with a balanced fertilizer.

Toxic?- Yes

Alocasia~ Elephant Ears/African Mask

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water regularly to keep the soil lightly moist, but not soggy.

Humidity- Prefers an environment with high humidity. Your Alocasia will benefit from a humidifier and regular misting.

Fertilize monthly when the soil is moist with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic to humans and pets.

Anthurium~ Painter’s Pallet/Flamingo Flower

Light- Bright-moderate, indirect light.

Water frequently to keep the soil lightly moist. Cut back watering a bit in the winter, but do not allow the soil to dry out completely.

Humidity- Thrive in environments with high humidity.

Fertilize monthly in Spring-Summer with high-phosphorus plant food.

Toxic to humans and pets. Sap is irritating to skin and eyes.


Arrowhead Plant~ Syngonium Podophyllum

Light- Moderate-bright, indirect light.

Water- Keep soil slightly moist, but not soggy. Avoid overwatering.

Humidity- Average home humidity is fine.

Fertilize every 2 weeks Spring-Fall with a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half the normal strength. Feed monthly in the winter.

Toxic? Sap is toxic.


Light- Moderate-bright light.

Water- Keep the soil consistently moist.

Humidity- Prefers a high level of humidity. Consider placing near a humidifier in winter months.

Fertilize- Feed plant every 1-2 weeks with high-nitrogen foliage houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic to humans and pets.


Calico Kitten~ Crassula Pellucida

Light- Bright, indirect light-full sun. If going from indirect light to full sun, plant will need to be acclimated to avoid burning leaves.

Water- Allow soil to dry out between waterings.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities.

Fertilizer a few times a year Sping-Fall.

Toxic?- Generally non-toxic to humans and animals.

Calathea~ Peacock Plant, Zebra Plant

Light- Bright, indirect light. Direct sun will burn the leaves.

Water- Keep soil lightly moist at all times, but not soggy. Use filtered or rainwater if possible. Calatheas are sensitive to fluoride and salts in tap water.

Humidity- Maintain high humidity using a humidifier and regular misting.

Fertilize monthly in Spring and Summer using high-nitrogen foliage plant fertilizer.

Toxic? Nope!


Croton~ Codiaeum

Light- Bright light. Place in a sunny window. If croton isn’t getting enough light, new growth may be less colorful.

Water- Keep the soil lightly moist, but not soggy, at all times. If the soil becomes too dry, plant may drop leaves. If overwatered, leaf tips may turn brown. The trick is finding the right balance.

Humidity- Crotons like moderate humidity. Plant will benefit from a humidifier and/or regular misting in drier months.

Fertilize twice a month Spring-Summer with a balanced houseplant food. Feed monthly Fall-Winter.

Toxic? Poisonous if ingested in large amounts.


Dieffenbachia~ Dumb Cane

Light- Moderate-bright, indirect light. Turn plant often to encourage even growth.

Water- Keep the soil lightly moist, but not soggy. Water when top 1 inch of soil becomes dry.

Humidity- Dumb canes like moderate humidity levels.

Fertilize twice a month Spring-Summer with a balanced or high-nitrogen foliage plant food.

Toxic? Yes, toxic if ingested or handled improperly.

Dracaena (Marginata Bush, Warneckii, Song of India, Janet Craig…)

Light- Medium-bright, indirect light. Can tolerate low light.

Water when the soil is dry to the touch then soak thoroughly. Drain the water that collects in the saucer to avoid your plant standing in water.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities but can benefit from regular misting.

Fertilize twice a month in Spring and Summer with balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic to pets.

Ficus Benjamina~ Weeping Fig

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water- Allow top 2 inches of soil to dry between waterings. Cut back watering a bit in the winter.

Humidity- Prefers high humidity. Would benefit from a humidifier and regular misting.

Fertilize monthly Sping-Fall with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Yes, toxic to humans and pets.

Ficus Elastica~ Rubber Tree

Light- Medium-Bright light. No direct sun.

Water- In Spring-Summer, keep soil lightly moist but not soggy. In Fall and Winter, allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry between waterings. Avoid splashing leaves as it causes stains.

Humidity- Requires a humid environment. Would benefit from a humidifier and regular misting.

Fertilize 3-4 times per year with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Mildly toxic to pets and humans.

Ficus Lyrata~ Fiddle Leaf Fig

Light- Medium-Bright, indirect light.

Water- Keep soil lightly moist, but not soggy.

Humidity- Requires a humid environment. Would benefit from a humidifier and regular misting.

Fertilize a few times a year Spring-Fall with high-nitrogen foliage fertilizer.

Toxic to humans and pets.

Fittonia Verschaffeltii~ Nerve Plant

Light- Medium, indirect light.

Water as needed to keep the soil consistently moist. Fittonias are drama queens and will collapse if the soil dries out, but will perk back up with a good watering.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities, but will prefer a more humid environment. A humidifier is beneficial in dry winter months.

Fertilize monthly Sping-Summer with a houseplant balanced fertilizer.

Toxic? Non-toxic!


Gasteria~ Ox Tongue

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water- Allow soil to dry between waterings. Don't allow water to collect between leaves.

Humidity- Prefer a dry environment.

Fertilize during summer growing season with cactus fertilizer.

Toxic? No!


Hoya~ Wax Plant

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry. In winter months, allow soil to dry completely between waterings.

Humidity- Hoyas thrive in high humidity but are tolerant of different humidity levels. A humidifier is beneficial in dry weather.

Fertilize 1-2 times per month in the Spring and Summer with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Non-toxic


Kalanchoe~ Widow’s Thrill

Light- Full indoor sun, but avoid too much direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves and prevent the plant from flowering.

Water- Allow soil to dry completely between waterings then water thoroughly.

Humidity- Typical household humidity is fine.

Fertilize monthly with houseplant food from late Spring-Midwinter.

Toxic? Yes, the leaves and flowers are very toxic if ingested.


Maranta Leuconeura~ Prayer Plant

Light- Moderate, indirect light.

Water- Keep soil lightly moist at all times but not soggy.

Humidity- Thrives in a humid environment. Mist plant every few days and consider using a humidifier, especially in dry winter months.

Fertilize 1-2 times per month in Spring and Summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Nope!

Monstera Deliciosa

Light- Medium-bright, indirect light. Keep your monstera out of harsh direct sunlight, as too much of it can scorch their leaves!

Water- Let the soil dry out a little between waterings. Water when top few inches of soil is dry. Water thoroughly and empty the water that gathers in the bottom tray.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities. A humidifier is beneficial in dry weather.

Fertilize once a month in Spring and Summer with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Mildly toxic.


Oxalis Triangularis

Light- Bright, indirect light. If light conditions are too low, the plant can become leggy. Oxalis go dormant in the summertime.

Water frequently to keep soil evenly moist, but allow top 1 inch of soil to dry first.

Humidity- Average household humidity is adequate.

Fertilize every 2 weeks Spring-Summer with balanced or high-phosphorous plant food.

Toxic to pets.


Peperomia (Obtusifolia, Caperata, Argyreia)

Light- Medium-bright indirect light.

Water- Allow soil to dry between waterings. Water less in the winter time.

Humidity- Does not require any extra humidity.

Fertilize once or twice per year during Spring and/or Summer.

Toxic- Non-toxic alternative to the American Rubber Plant!

Philodendron (Brasil, Heartleaf, Lemon Lime, Prince of Orange…)

Light- Medium indirect light. Can tolerate lower light conditions.

Water- Allow soil to dry a bit between waterings. Droopy leaves are a good indicator your plant needs water.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities. A humidifier is beneficial in dry weather.

Fertilize monthly in Spring in Summer with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Yes


Pilea Cadierei~ Watermelon Pilea

Light- Moderate-bright, indirect light.

Water- Keep soil lightly moist but not soggy.

Humidity- Prefers moderate-high humidity.

Fertilize twice a month Spring-Summer with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Feed monthly Fall-Winter.

Toxic? Generally non-toxic to humans and pets, but can cause issues if ingested in large quantities.

Pilea Peperomioides~ Chinese Money Plant/Friendship Plant

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water- Allow the soil to dry a bit between waterings. Droopy leaves are a good indicator your plant needs water. Will require more water in warmer months.

Humidity- Does not require any extra humidity. Benefits from a drier environment.

Fertilize once or twice Spring-Summer with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Generally non-toxic to humans and pets, but can cause issues if ingested in large quantities.


Polka-Dot Plant~ Hypoestes phyllostachya

Light- Bright, indirect light. Polka-dot plants can get leggy if light levels are too low.

Water- Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. The leaves will wilt if the soil becomes too dry for too long, but should perk back up with a good watering.

Humidity- Polka-dot plants like higher levels of humidity. Dry, crispy leaves are a sign the air is too dry. Consider placing your plant near a humidifier.

Fertilize once per month during growing season with a balanced fertilizer.

Toxic? Generally non-toxic however can cause digestive issues if consumed in large amounts.

Pothos~ Devils Ivy (Golden, Marble Queen, Neon, Pearls and Jade, Silver...)

Light- Medium-bright indirect light.

Water- Allow soil to dry a bit between waterings. Water when top 2 inches of soil is dry to the touch.

Humidity- Likes high humidity but tolerant of different humidity levels. A humidifier is beneficial in dry weather.

Fertilize monthly in Spring and Summer with balanced houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Yes

Sansevieria~ Snake Plant

Light- Snakes plants can survive in a range of low-bright indirect light, but will be happiest in medium light.

Water when soil is completely dry, around every 4-6 weeks. Water baby snake plants a little more often and larger more mature plants less often.

Humidity- Typical household humidity is fine.

Fertilize once or twice in Spring and/or Summer.

Toxic? Moderately toxic to humans and pets.

Schefflera Arboricola~ Dwarf Umbrella Tree

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water when the soil has mostly dried out then soak thoroughly. Yellow, dropping leaves is a sign of overwatering. Cut back on watering during winter.

Humidity- Prefers high humidity.

Fertilize once per month Spring-Fall with houseplant fertilizer.

Toxic? Yes

Spider Plant~ Chlorophytum comosum

Light- Medium-bright, indirect light.

Water- Keep soil lightly moist, but not soggy. Let top 1-2 inches of soil dry out between waterings during the wintertime. Water with filtered or rainwater if possible as Spider plants are sensitive to fluoride and salts in tap water.

Humidity- Can tolerate typical household humidities, but can benefit from regular misting during drier weather.

Fertilize twice a month in Spring and early Summer and monthly in the Fall.

Toxic? Safe for humans and pets however, the leaves can be tasty to pets and if too much is ingested it can cause an upset stomach.

Tradescantia~ Spiderwort/Inch Plant

Light- Bright, indirect light.

Water when top 1 inch of soil is dry. Keep the soil evenly moist. Water beneath the leaves.

Humidity- Tradescantias thrive in humidity and benefit from regular misting.

Fertilize 1-2 times per month Spring-Fall.

Toxic? Yes

ZZ Plant~ Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Light- Medium-bright indirect light. Can tolerate low levels of light.

Water- ZZ plants thrive on neglect. Water when the soil has dried out completely. Yellowing leaves are a sign of overwatering.

Humidity- Does not require any extra humidity. Average home humidity will do.

Fertilize once or twice per year.

Toxic to humans and pets.